Birrificio Brùton

Birrificio Brùton

The Brùton Brewery was born on the outskirts of Lucca, out of Iacopo Apo Lenci’s passion for good, quality beer. After years of home-brewing beer and travelling in search of the best flavours, in 2006 he inaugurated the brewery on the banks of the Serchio river, in a rural, typically Tuscan building, availing himself of the contribution of some professional brewers to perfect the recipes and tastes.
Brùton was the name given to a drink brewed from fermented cereals on the ancient island of Crete. Abundant offerings of Brùton characterised the rituals dedicated to the sacred god Taurus, the powerful and invincible Minotaur. A reminder of this tradition can be found in our logo, a stylised bull’s head recalling the mythological figure of the Minotaur.

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