Macelleria Belli

Loin Cinta Senese DOP Macelleria Belli


5 in magazzino


100% cinta senese

crostini, aperitifs and Tuscan chopping boards

Val di Chiana

Loin Cinta Senese DOP Macelleria Belli additional information:

The boneless loin of the Cinta Senese pig is subjected to the same salting process as the ham, i.e. Tuscan garlic, wine vinegar, salt and pepper. After about 15 to 20 days, it is 'rolled' in fennel flower and wrapped in classic yellow paper to preserve all the aromas and flavours of the spice nicknamed the yellow gold. The use of fennel for flavouring is a prerogative of the Val d'Orcia and Val di Chiana.


100% Cinta Senese meat

The history of Macelleria Belli:

Their story begins on a small farm in the Tuscan countryside, surrounded by cypress trees and very close to the town of Pienza.
At the end of the 1960s, a young man, Alfiero, moved away from this farm. In search of better fortune, he came to a small town, Torrita di Siena, then the centre of fashionable and commercial life in the area, with well-established activities and a rich and prosperous population, In this town he took over a small butcher's shop and since then everything that followed is the story of a life dedicated to work and the search for the best, where by best is meant good. His experiences at the Pienza farm, in fact, helped him recreate the ancient flavours of the Tuscan peasant tradition, to offer his customers the best in terms of genuineness and tastiness.
The small butcher's shop expanded to become a small charcuterie where these ancient family recipes were revived.
After several family members joined the company, a dream came true: the opening of a large butcher's shop with a charcuterie and ham factory attached just outside the 14th-century walls of Torrita. All this happened in 2002 and since then the business has done nothing but grow, thanks to the passion of a life spent chasing the joys of the palate.

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