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Tarese del Valdarno "Slow Food Presidium" Macelleria Fabbrini
Einzelpreis proTarese del Valdarno "Slow Food Presidium" Macelleria Fabbrini
Einzelpreis proHow to use the Tarese del Valdarno "Slow Food Presidium":
Perfect both raw and cooked, excellent in aperitifs and recipes.
Macelleria Fabbrini
In 1948, Mario Fabbrini founded the 'Macelleria Fabbrini' in San Giovanni Valdarno, a small town in the province of Arezzo. In addition to his wife Rina, over time his sons, Carlo and Andrea, joined the business and now run the family butcher's shop, considered one of the oldest in the Valdarno Aretino. Even today, you can still smell the fragrances and aromas of the past as the butchering and processing of meat is done just as it was in the past.
mixture of pepper, coarsely ground red garlic, juniper and other Tuscan spices and, finally, put in coarse salt, pork